About Us

Morocco handcrafts are as diverse and unique as the country itself. With centuries-old souks, authentic craftsmanship, and tiny ateliers, the country offers unique and authentic handcraft treasures. Moroccan crafts are a fundamental part of Moroccan life and culture with significant social impact. Many Cooperatives have been organized to preserve the Moroccan art by maintaining in life traditional ateliers and improving the social status of thousands of craftsman by valuing handcrafts creation. MoroccoHandCrafts marketplace is aiming to help thousands of handcrafters to share Moroccan arts and culture nationally and internationally. 


Morocco Secret


Our goal:

  • To make a unique marketplace to discover and appreciate original Moroccan crafts.
  • To help cooperative preserving the traditional Moroccan Arts.
  • To improve positively the social impact by helping thousands of craftsmen selling their original handcrafts.

    Our aims:

    • To build a unique marketplace for Moroccan crafts
    • To increase and diversify the audience for original crafts 
    • To champion Moroccan history and culture nationally and internationally

    Our values:

    We believe that craft plays a dynamic and vigorous role in the Moroccans’ social, economic and cultural life. 

    • We believe that everyone should have the opportunity to discover, collect and learn about Moroccan craft.
    • We believe that the strength of craft lies in its use of traditional  techniques, ideas and materials to make extraordinary work. 
    • We believe that the future of craft lies in nurturing talent; children and young people must be able to learn about traditional craft.